Bakhram Jumabaev

is a graduate student of Karakalpak State University


When we evaluate the words in the vocabulary of the Karakalpak language from the point of view of meaning, the group of words whose meanings are close to each other occupies a certain place. Synonyms, of course, differ from each other in terms of the refinement of the additional meaning, emotional and expressive coloring, scope of application and other properties, which show that such properties present in them show that synonyms have very great stylistic possibilities. Since synonyms can indicate the most powerful, even imperceptible, subtle features of objects and events, subjective attitudes towards these features, and others, they are undoubtedly considered figurative means of language. In conducting the research work, one can cite the works of E. Berdimuratov,[1] M. Kalenderov.[2] In particular, M. Kalenderov's work "Qaraqalpaq tiliniń sinonimleriniń qısqasha sózligi" (A Brief Dictionary of Synonyms of the Karakalpak Language) provides information about the characteristics of synonyms.


1. Бердимуратов E. Ҳәзирги қарақалпақ тили. Лексикология. Нөкис, 1994.

2. Қәлендеров M. Қарақалпақ тилиндеги синонимлердиң гармматикалық, структуралық ҳәм лексика-семантикалық өзгешеликлери. –Нөкис: карақалпақстан, 1989. 90 б.

3. Бекбергенов A. Қарақалпақ тилиниң стилистикасы.–Нөкис: Қарақалпақстан, 1990. –80 б.

4. Досымбетова А. Әдебияттаныўда көркемлеў қураллары.–Нөкис: Қарақалпақстан, 2017. –50 б.