Editorial Team

Editor in Chief

Dr. Rajeet Ojha - Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi -110025, India

Editorial Team

Sunita Sarawagi - Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India.

Eshkaraev Sadridin Chorievich - associate professor of the Department of Analytical Chemistry of Termiz State University, Doctor of Philosophy Chemical Science, Termez, Uzbekistan. esadir_74@rambler.ru

Furkat B. Eshkurbonov - Editor of chemical science, Termiz state university of engineering and agrotechnology, doctor of sciences in chemistry, Professor of technology of organic substance and materials on their basis. E-mail: furqateshqurbonov@gmail.com

Shakhlo Sh.Yuldasheva - Editor of pedagogical sciences Uzbekistan state University of World Languages Doctor of Philosophy in pedagogics, Professor of Theory and methodology of teaching and bringing up. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9797-8635 E-mail: shahlondpi@gmail.com

Sultonova. N. Ugiloy - Editor of pedagogical sciences Termez state University of Engineering and agrotechnology Doctor of Philosophy in pedagogics, Professor of Theory and methodology of teaching and bringing up

Dr Manjunatha LH - Professor,REVA University, INDIA

Zilola I. Salisheva - Editor of pedagogical sciences Uzbekistan state University of World Languages Doctor of Philosophy in pedagogical science, Docent of Theory and methodology of teaching and bringing up. https://orcid.org/0009-0002-2000-5135

E-mail: salisheva_z@mail.ru

Asish Bera - Edge Hill University, UK, BITS Pilani, India

Fozilova F. Mokhigul - Editor of pedagogical sciences Uzbekistan state University of World Languages Doctor of Philosophy in pedagogical science.  https://orcid.org/0009-0001-9464-6480 E-mail: fozilova1204@gmail.com

Dr Sunildro LS Akoijam - Assistant Professor of Management, North Eastern Hill University, India

Rakhmankulov E. Jasur - Editor of technical sciences Termez institute of Engineering and Technology Doctor of Philosophy in technical science. E-mail:jasurer87@gmail.com

Madan Mohan Singh - Professor of Mathematics, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, India

Khamra D.Abdullaev - Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Karakalpak State University named after Berdak, Republic of Uzbekistan. E-mail: abdullaevxamro7173@gmail.com

Dr. Anupam Singh - Associate Professor-CSE, Graphic Era Hill University Dehradun, India

Nusratov.N.Anvar - Editor of pedagogical sciences, Bukhara State University Doctor of Philosophy in pedagogical sciences.

Dr. Sargam Bahl Walia - School of Management, Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India

Abdurasulov A.Abdullajon - Editor of pedagogical sciences, Kokand State Pedagogical Institute Doctor of Philosophy in pedagogical sciences. 

Narayan Pradhan - Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science

Nomozov K. Abror - Editor of technical science, Termez Institute of engineering and technology Doctor of Philosophy in technical science. e-mail: abrornomozov055@gmail.com

Ashok Kumar - Kumar Associate Professor E&CE National Institute of Technology. Hamirpur, India.

Misirov Kh. Zafar - Editor of technical science Termez Institute of engineering and technology Doctor of Philosophy in technical science. e-mail: zafarmisirov1986@gmail.com

Anjali Pal - Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur - 721302, India.

Karimova Zevara Xadjibayevna - Editor of medical science, Associate Professor of the Department of General Surgery, Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Urology, Tashkent Medical Academy, Termiz Branch

Rajnish Joshi - Professor of Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhopal, India

Gulnara S. Agzamova - Editor of medical science, Associate Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy department, Doctor of science in medicine, Tashkent Medical Academy.

Mukul Kumar - IIT Mumbai (India); Meijo University (Japan); HEG Ltd. (India)

Diloram A. Urunbayeva - Editor of medical science, Associate Professor of the Department of Endocrinology, Doctor of philosophy in medicine, Tashkent Medical Academy.

Prof.Kuruvilla Joseph - Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology(IIST)

Yigitaliyev S.Umidjon - Editor of philological science, Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek language, Doctor of philosophy in philological science , Kokand State Pedagogical Institute

Diyorov G. Khusan - Editor of technical sciences, Termez Institute of engineering and technology Doctor of Philosophy in technical sciences.

E-mail: husan_diyorov88@mail.ru

Prof. Yogesh C. Sharma - D.Sc., FRSC, FBRS,FIAPS;FISEES, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology

Hudaykulova Shakhnoza Suvanovna - senior teacher of the Department of Uzbek and Russian languages at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, doctor of philosophy in philological sciences (PhD), sh.suvanovna@gmail.com,
ORCID number: https://orcid.org/0009-0009-7734-9458

Masharipova Sultanposhsha Matrasulovna - Editor of philological science, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Primary Education Methodology at the Pedagogical Faculty of Urgench State University

Mavludakhon B. Gofurova - Editor of philological sciences, Kokan State Pedagogical Institute is a teacher of the Department of English in preschool and primary education, doctor of philosophy in philological sciences (PhD)

Professor Indra Mani Mishra -Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad; Formerly at India

Fayziev A.Nozim - Editor of pedagogical science, Doctor of philosophy in pedagogical science, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages

Dilmurod Ya. Khojiev - Editor of medical science, Doctor of philosophy in medicine. 

Shaymardanova A. Mokhichekhra - Editor of technical science, Termiz institute of Engineering and Technology, doctor of philosophy in technical science. E-mail: mokhichekhrashaymardanova@gmail.com

Iskandarova E. Dilnozakhon - Editor of medical sciences, Termiz branch of Tashkent Medical Academy, doctor of philosophy in medical science (PhD)

Kadirova A. Dilfuza - Editor of philological sciences, Kokan State Pedagogical Institute, doctor of philosophy in philological science (PhD) 

Rustam Z. Madiev - Editor of medical science, doctor of philosophy in medicine, Candidate of Medical Sciences, cardiovascular surgeon of the highest category, associate professor, head of the department of “Surgical diseases and surgery in family medicine” of the Termez branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy

Yulchiyeva Marguba - Editor of technical sciences, Doctor of Philosophy in technical science, Termez state university of engineering and agrotechnologyy. E-mail: margubayulchieva86@gmail.com

Zukhra M. Allamuratova- Editor of philological sciences, doctor of philosophy in philological science, Karakalpak State University

Muqaddam Abduvaliyeva - Editor of Technical sciences, Termez state university of engineering and agrotechnology, doctor of philosophy in Technical science(PhD)  E-mail: muqaddamabduvaliyeva@gmail.com

Kudaybergenov A. Murat - Editor of philological sciences, Doctor of Philosophy in philological science, Karakalpak State University

Genjebay M. Abishov - Editor of philological sciences, Karakalpak State University, associate professor, doctor of philosophy in philological science(PhD)

Chorieva B. Nigora - Editor of Technical sciences, Termez institute of engineering and technology, doctor of philosophy in Technical science(PhD)  E-mail: chorievanigora5@gmail.com

Jenisbay O. Tanirbergenov - Editor of philological sciences, Karakalpak State University, docent of Karakalpak language, doctor of philosophy in philological science(PhD)

Gulyamov B. Yorkin - Editor of medical sciences, Tashkent Medical Academy’s Branch of Termez, doctor of philosophy in medicine (PhD), docent of Traumatalogy and Orthopaedy

Otamuradov. A. Furkat - Editor of Medical sciences, Termez branch of Tashkent medical academy, doctor of science in Medicine (DSc)

Nuritov Nurpullo Rajabovich - Editor of Medical sciences, Termez branch of Tashkent medical academy, doctor of philosophy in Medicine(PhD)

Rakhman. O. Mukhamadiev - Editor of Medical sciences, Head of Ophthalmology Department of Surkhandarya Regional Multidisciplinary Medical Center, Professor of Ophthatmology

Azat. A. Yusupov - Editor of Pedagogical sciences, Karakalpak State University, doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical sciences.  E-mail: yusupov.azat82@gmail.com

Daniyarova. J. Zamira - Editor of Philologigacal sciences, Nukus Innovation Institute, doctor of Philosophy in Philologigacal sciences

Gulara. A. Yusupova - Editor of Pedagogical sciences, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical sciences, docent of Theory and methodology of teaching and bringing up.

Shakhista. M. Buranova - Editor of Pedagogical sciences, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, doctor of philosophy in Pedagogics

Bolgayev Absadik - Editor of Medical science, Termez branch of Tashkent medical academy, doctor of sciences in medicine

Eshkoraev Kahramon - Editor of pedagogical sciences Chirchik State Pedagogical University Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Science, Termez, Uzbekistan e-mail: eshqorayev1987@mail.ru

Toshaliev B. Kakhramon - Editor of historical sciences Termez State University Doctor of Philosophy in historical Science, Termez, Uzbekistan e-mail: kahramon19821801@mail.ru

Sanobar S. Rakhmanova - Editor of Medical science, Urgench branch of Tashkent medical academy, docent of Allergology and Immunology

Sayyora R. Turaeva- Editor of historical sciences Public safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan Professor of the Department of Social and Humanities of the University

Zargarova R. Nargiza - Editor of medical sciences Urgench Branch of Tashkent Medical Academy, doctor of philosophy in medical sciences.

Aliboeva. M. Nilufarkhon - Editor of philological sciences Kokan State Pedagogical Institute, doctor of philosophy in philological sciences, docent of comparative literary criticism, contrastive linguistics and translation studies.

Bektashev. K. Otabek - Editor of philological sciences Kokan State Pedagogical Institute, doctor of philosophy in philological sciences, docent of theory of language Applied and computational linguistics.

Shukhratjon. Sh. Kalandarov  - Editor of philological sciences Kokan State Pedagogical Institute, doctor of philosophy in philological sciences.

Hamrokul. A. Ravshanov - Editor of technical sciences Deputy director of the Institute of Irrigation and Agrotechnologies of the National Research University of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers for Scientific Affairs and Innovation, doctor of sciences in technics.

Vakhobov. A. Anvar - Editor of pedagogical sciences Associate Professor of the Department of "Pedagogy" of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizomi, doctor of philosophy in pedagogical sciences, docent of theory of pedagogy, history of pedagogical studies. 

Shoniyozov . K. Bobur - Editor of agricultural sciences, Senior teacher of the department of agrochemistry, soil science and plant protection, Samarkand Institute of Agricultural Innovations and Research, doctor of philosophy in agricultural sciences.

Rakhimova. G. Irodakhon - Editor of psychological sciences, Teacher of the Department of General Psychology of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizomi, doctor of philosophy in psychological sciences.

Farohat. O. Mirzayeva - Editor of pedagogical sciences, Head of the Pedagogical Department of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizomi, doctor of philosophy in pedagogical sciences.

Paridakhon. M. Pulatova - Editor of pedagogical sciences, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Academician of the Turan Academy of Sciences, professor of Special pedagogy

Dekhkonova. R. Dilorakhan - Editor of biological sciences, Tashkent state agrarian university, Faculty of Zooengineering, Department of General zoo and veterinary.

Sadatov Ochildi Hakimkulovich  - Editor of economcial sciences, Termez state university of engineering and agrotechnology, Associate Professor of the Department of Exact and Natural Sciences, Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Temirova Nilufar Tajinorovna - Editor of agricultural sciences, Tashkent branch of the Samarkand State University Veterinary Medicine of Livestock and Biotechnologies, Faculty of Technologies, Departament of Zooengineering and sericulture, doctor of philosophy in agricultural sciences.

Abdurakhmonov. Sh. Olim - Editor of technical sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of "Light Industry and Food Technologies", Termez State University of Engineering and Agrotechnology, doctor of philosophy in technical sciences.

Juraev. A. Davron - Editor of technical sciences, Senior Lecturer of Termez State University of Engineering and Agrotechnology, doctor of philosophy in technical sciences.

Tashpulat. S. Djuraev - Editor of physchological sciences, Termiz state university, docent of age and pedagogical psychology. Psychology of development

Khudoykulov. K. Rustam - Editor of pedagogical sciences, Senior Lecturer of Termez State University of Engineering and Agrotechnology, doctor of philosophy in pedagogical sciences. 

Erdonov. M. Abdurakhmon  - Editor of technical sciences, Senior lecturer of the Department of "Metrology and Technological Machines" of Termez State University of Engineering and Agrotechnology, doctor of philosophy in technical sciences.

Jenisbay. O. Tanirbergenov  - Editor of philological sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Karakalpak Linguistics, Karakalpak State University, doctor of philosophy in philological sciences, docent of Karakalpak language.

Abishov. M. Genjebay - Editor of philological sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Karakalpak Linguistics, Karakalpak State University, docent of Karakalpak language.

Kudaybergenov A. Murat  - Editor of philological sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Journalism, Karakalpak State University, doctor of philosophy in philological sciences.

Ibragimova Nasiba Muminovna - Editor of Biological sciences,Urgench State University, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, Department of Biotechnology, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biological Sciences

Urunbayeva A. Diloram - Editor of medical sciences Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine No. 2, Tashkent Medical Academy,doctor of philosophy in medicine, Docent of Endocrinology

Shoira. T. Israilova - Editor of economical sciences Associate Professor of the Department of "Educational Management" of Tashkent State Pedagogical University 

Malika. Kh. Umarova - Editor of pedagogical sciences Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, doctor of philosophy in pedagogics

Zukhra. M. Allamuratova - Editor of philological sciences, Teacher of the Distance Education Department of the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyoz, doctor of philosophy in philological sciences

Shixova Inobat Omonovna - Editor of Psychological sciences, Khorezm Regional Pedagogical Expertise Center, Department of "Methodology of Exact and Natural Sciences", Doctor of Philosophy  in Psychology (PhD) 

Zamira. A. Nurova  - Editor of biological sciences, Head of the Department of "Medical Biology and Histology" of the Termez Branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy, Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy  in biology(PhD) 

Dilmurod. Ya. Khojiev - Editor of medical sciences, Head of the Department of Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy, Termez Branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy, Doctor of Philosophy  in medicine(PhD)

Raximov Alisher Xudoyqulovich- Editor of technical sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of General Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, Denov Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy, Doctor of Philosophy in technical sciences (PhD)

Rakhimov. Kh. Rashid  - Editor of technical sciences, Termiz state university of engineering and agrotechnology, doctor of philosophy in technical sciences(PhD)

Fayziev. A. Nozim - Editor of pedagogical sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Humanities and Information Technologies, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, doctor of philosophy in pedagogical sciences (PhD)

Ochildiev. N. Najmiddin - Editor of agricultural sciences, Head of the Laboratory of "Primary Seed Production and Seed Science" of the Fine-Fiber Cotton Research Institute, doctor of philosophy in agricultural sciences (PhD).

Akbar. D. Normurodov - Editor of technical sciences, Director of the Karshi branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, doctor of philosophy in technical sciences (PhD).

Fayzullaev. S. Javlonbek - Editor of economical sciences, Tashkent State University of Economics Faculty of Economics Department of “Green” Economics, Doctor of science, Senior Lecturer in Microeconomics (DSc).

Nigmatullayeva Gulchexra Nurullayevna - Editor of economical sciences, Tashkent State University of Economics Faculty of Economics Department of Doctor of Philosophy(PhD), Associate Professor of the Department of Green Economy 

Nazarova Rano Rustamovna - Tashkent State University of Economics Faculty of Economics Department of The Doctor of Science (DSc), Professor

Adilova Marguba Tursunalievna - Editor of economical sciences, Tashkent State University of Economics Faculty of Economics Department of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department of Green Economy

Khursand Khudaiberdiev  - Editor of philosophical sciences, Termiz state university of engineering and agrotechnology, Candidate of Philosophy, professor of basis of spirit and eights education.

Guliston. I. Turemuratova - Editor of biological sciences, Associate Professor of Biology Department of Karakalpak State University, doctor of philosophy in biology, docent of zoology

Fayzulla. A. Abdullaev - Editor of agricultural sciences, Advisor on Science and Scientific Affairs of the Scientific- Research Institute of Fine Fiber Cotton, doctor of philosophy in agricultural sciences

Rakhimov Khasan Shukurjonovich - Editor of economical sciences, Tashkent State University of Economics Faculty of Economics Department of Doctor of Philosophy( PhD), associate professor in Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting, doctor of philosophy in economical sciences.

Eshkuvvatov. A. Ulugbek - Editor of pedagogical sciences, Termez University of Engineering and Agrotechnology Head of the Department of Road Engineering, doctor of philosophy in pedagogical sciences. 

Anargul. T. Kazakhbaeva - Editor of philological sciences, Department of Karakalpak Linguistics, Karakalpak State University, docent of Karakalpak language, doctor of philosophy in philology. 

Arslanbek. F. Khaytmuratov - Editor of agricultural sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Plant Protection, Agrochemistry and Agro-Soil Science, Termiz State University of Engineering and Agro-Technology,  doctor of sciences in agriculture