Xasanov Bobur Raximberganovich

Urganch state pedagogy teacher of the institute

##semicolon## Profession, motivation, career orientation, education, training, reform, teacher, student, innovation.


This article discusses the issue of career choice and its socio-psychological significance, the selection of criteria for the career selection system, factors influencing career choice, and the issues of guiding students to a career and teaching them to freely choose a career. . Also, the article examines the scientific-theoretical and practical-methodological aspects of the selection of the criteria of the attitude factor to the choice of profession, as well as the aspects of their research


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R. Amthauerning Intelligence Structure Test (TSI). (Ushbu aql-idrok tuzilmasi testi kasbiy tanlash va kasbga yo‘naltirishni o‘rganish maqsadida 1953 yilda ishlab chiqilgan.)