Каримова Наталья

доктор исторических наук, профессор, Ташкентский государственный университет востоковедения, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Keywords: the descendants of Amir Temur, Yongle Emperor, Central Asia, Chinese sources,


An article according to Chinese written sources ("Ming shilu" ("True records [of the deeds of the Ming Emperors"), about trade and embassy relations between the descendants of Amir Temur and the emperors of the Ming Dynasty. After the death of Amir Temur, relations between the empires were restored. Among the gifts sent by Samarkand and Herat, jade appears, along with horses. The Yongle Emperor actively encouraged the expansion of trade and tried to increase the number of embassies arriving in China. After his death, China moved away from its early expansionist policies due to cost and inefficiency. Expensive expeditions such as the naval missions of the famous Admiral Zheng He were also discontinued.


1. Chen Cheng. Xiyu fanguozhi. (Чэнь Чэн. Описание государств Западного края. 陈城. 西域藩国志) // 明朝本 (Ming chaoben). 国立北平图书馆山本丛书 (Guoli Beiping tushuguan shanben congshu). – 北京 (Bqijing), 1936. – 页24-26.

2. Fairbank J.K. The Chinese World Order: Traditional China’s Foreign Relations. – Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1953. – 198 p.

3. He Yan. Mingdai Xiyu yu Zhongyuande tonggong hushi maoyi (和奄. 明代西域与中原的通贡互市贸易. Хэ Янь. О взаимной торговле Китая с Западными странами в эпоху Мин) // 新疆历史研究. – 乌鲁木齐,1986. – №2. 42-50页. – С.42-43.

4. Lo Jungpang. Policy formulation and decision-making on issues respecting peace and war // Chinese government in Ming times: Seven studies (ed. Charles O. Hucker). – New York, 1969. – P.42-58.

5. Ming shi. (История [династии] Мин. 明史) // Ershi sishi (24 династийные истории. 二十四史). – 上海 (Шанхай), 1958. 三册 (Т.3). – 8602页。

6. «Ming shilu» leijuan (明实录类纂 涉外史料卷. Материалы «Правдивых записей [династии] Мин» по разделам). – Wuhan: Wuhan chubanshe, 1991. – 1255 с.

7. Rossabi M. China among equals: The Middle Kingdom and its neighbours, 10-14 centuries. – Berkeley, 1983.

8. Temuer wangchao yu Mingchaode gongci maoyi yanjiu lunwen (帖木儿王朝与明朝的贡赐贸易研究论文, Исследование о даннической торговле между династиями Тимуридов и Мин) // https://www.gwyoo.com/ lunwen/maoyilunwen/gjmylwtg/200910/286736.html

9. Xinjiang difang lishi ziliao xuanji (新疆地方历史资料选辑. Избранные материалы по историографии Синьцзяна). – 北京: 人民出版社, 1987. – 654 с.

10. Yushi zhilu (玉石之路, Нефритовая дорога) // https://www.icangyu.com/index.php? m=content&c=mobile&a =show&catid=6&id=2598

11. Каримова Н. Сведения китайских письменных источников по истории взаимоотношений государств Центральной Азии и минского Китая XIV-XVII вв. (2-е издание). – Ташкент: “Donishmand”, 2023.