Alimov Zokir Chori o‘g’li

Termiz davlat universiteti Musiqa ta’limi kafedrasi o‘qituvchisi. Termiz, O‘ZBEKISTON

Keywords: kompetensiya, kompetentlik, axborot kompetentligi, axborot – komunikatsiya texnologiyalari, loyiha metodi, maktab, mediata’lim, mediasavodxonlik, mediakompetentlik, mediamahsulot, axborot texnologiyasi, axborot kommunikatsiya vositalari


As technology continues to advance in the digital age, the development of media competency in professional education is becoming increasingly important. Media competence can be defined as the ability to effectively access, evaluate, create, and communicate information using various media formats. In today's society, it is important for students to acquire these skills because they will need to navigate and engage with a variety of media throughout their careers. This article examines the development of media competence among students in vocational education, its importance, problems and potential solutions, and equipping students with the necessary skills to thrive in the evolving media landscape.


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