M Akbarov

The Department of Faculty and Hospital Surgery No.2 Tashkent medical academy

D.A Djumaniyazov

The Department of Endoscopy of the State Institution "Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Surgery named after academician V.Vakhidov

Kh.G Polvonniyozov

The Department of Faculty and Hospital Surgery No.2 Tashkent medical academy

K.A Otamirzaev

The Department of Faculty and Hospital Surgery No.2 Tashkent medical academy

##semicolon## cholelithiasis; mechanical jaundice; endobiliary interventions; endoscopic papillosphincterotomy.


The problem of gallstone disease, despite the current level of health care development, remains mainly a surgical problem, although a number of clinical situations require an integrated solution involving therapists, endoscopists, radiologists and doctors of other specialties. The study included 611 patients with gallstone disease complicated by mechanical jaundice for the period from 2021 to 2023, who, according to indications, underwent endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography  and endoscopic interventions. At the time of admission to the clinic, 174 (28.5%) patients had no mechanical jaundice, while 144 patients had a history of intermittent mechanical jaundice, and 30 patients had choledocholithiasis or choledoch ectasia on ultrasound. Being a minimally invasive intervention, endoscopic manipulations belong to the primary priority methods of diagnosis and treatment of patients with obstructive jaundice, however, despite their high diagnostic (93.5%) and therapeutic effectiveness (78%), a rational approach is needed, taking into account the likely risk factors for the development of complications specific to this type of intervention.


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