G‘afforova Zarnigor Abdumo‘min qizi

Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Department of Distance Education in Pre-School and Primary Areas, Trainee-Teacher of Primary Education

Keywords: method of education, story, interpretation, discussion, teaching, pedagogical requirement, encouragement, punishment and praise.


Educational methods, that is, educational methods are methods used to acquire character, values, skills and knowledge of children and young people. These methods aim to support their physical, mental, emotional and social development. Teaching methods can include many different approaches and techniques. For example, teaching, guiding, modeling, and experiential methods can be listed in this way.


Order No. 121 of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the step-by-step transition to a multiple rating system in assessing the level of educational readiness of students". Educational Development, 2002, No. 4.

Provisional Regulation "On the rating system for monitoring students' knowledge in general secondary educational institutions (schools)". Enlightenment, August 5, 2002.

Shagaydullina OD. Reitingovaya sistema controllya kachestva obucheniya uchashchikhsya. — Tashkent , "0 teacher ", 1998.

Ortikova L., Fefelov V. Kak razrabotat school rating. Uchitel Uzbekistana, No. 38. October 8, 1997,

Fefelov V. School rating is a solid basis. Uchitel Uzbekistan, No. 43. December 3. 1997

Zivomuhammedov V. Foundations of Enlightenment. — Tashkent, Chinor ENK, 1998.