Kozim Fayzullayev
Navoi State Mining and Technology University Academic Lyceum English language teachers
Nafosat Esanova
Navoi State Mining and Technology University Academic Lyceum English language teachers
Hamid Bozorov
Navoi State Mining and Technology University Academic Lyceum English language teachers
An inclusive classroom, at its core, represents a transformative approach to education that ensures every student feels comfortable and part of the learning community, regardless of differences in abilities, identities, or backgrounds.
Instead of the usual one-size-fits-all education, the focus here is on giving each student the support they need. Inclusive classrooms aim to create a friendly and helpful learning space for everyone, breaking down barriers and giving every student equal opportunities in education.
1. https://lim-english.com/posts/fonetika-angliiskogo-yazika/
2. Zavrajina, E. P. Izuchaem angliyskuyu phonetiku: introductory course of the English language: ucheb. posobie / E. P. Zavrajina, V. A. Pogosyan; Yes. Mr. ped. un-t im. A. I. Hertsena. - St. Petersburg: Izd-vo RGPU im. A. I. Hertsena, 2001.
3. Kurashkina, N. A. Osnovy fonetiki angliyskogo yazyka = The essentials of English phonetics : uchebnoe posobie / N. A. Kurashkina. – 3rd ed., ster. - Moscow: Flinta Nauka, 2017.
4. Osnovy fonetiki angliyskogo yazyka = Basics of English phonetics : uchebnoe posobie / L. P. Bondarenko [i dr.]. - Moscow: Flinta: Nauka, 2009.
5. Phonetics of the English language: standard. course: uchebnik dlya in-tov and fak. inost. summer / V. A. Vasiliev, A. R. Katanskaya, N. D. Lucina [i dr.]. – 2nd ed., pererab. - Moscow: Vysshaya shkola, 1980.