Effect and use of cardiac glycosides on the body
Mahmaraimov Shavkat Tuxtashovich
Head of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Termez branch of Toshkent Medical Academy
Jurayev Lochinbek Omonovich
Students of Termiz Branch of Tashkent Medical Academy
Shukurov Urol Abduqaxxor o‘g‘li
Students of Termiz Branch of Tashkent Medical Academy
Ibragimov Turg‘un Ikromjon o‘g‘li
Students of Termiz Branch of Tashkent Medical Academy
##semicolon## Forensic-medical, lesions, Anatomical Nomenclature
The term cardiac glycosides (CG) combines plant substances and their semisynthetic derivatives that have specific cardiotonic and antiarrhythmic effects that are due to a common mechanism of action. For a long time, SG was used as the main drug for the treatment of chronic heart failure. SGs normalize cardiac function, which helps to increase stroke volume, increase exercise tolerance and reduce the risk of developing decompensation of chronic heart failure (CHF). SGs reduce excessive sympathetic activity and restore the sensitivity of cardiopulmonary reflexes. However, despite the fact that cardiotonics improve the quality of life of patients for some time, life expectancy is not only not extended, but when using many “non-glycoside” drugs it can even be shortened (partly as a result of their arrhythmogenic effect). Currently, cardiotonics continue to be used, but they are only one component in the complex treatment of chronic heart failure.
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