Jabborova Shakhina

Student of the Faculty of Preschool Education of Termiz State Pedagogical Institute

##semicolon## management, management, result, management hierarchy, management culture, pedagogical management, conscious creative work, result-based management, improving educational efficiency.


It is known that education is the process of conveying information of certain social importance to the younger generation. In a preschool educational institution, it is carried out in the classroom, on walks, in games, in communication with parents, etc. One of the most ancient types of human activity - child education has undergone significant changes during its centuries-old history of development, from a daily process to a complex of scientifically based systematic interaction based on the results of creative and creative activity. It is necessary to learn to manage the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution under the conditions of introducing pedagogical technologies in the process. These processes were also studied in the article


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