Salikhodjaeva Rikhsiniso Kamilovna

“Center for the development of professional skills of medical workers” "Highly educated medical nurses" department head, associate professor

Akhunova Nilufar Khusanovna

Assistant of “Center for the development of professional skills of medical workers” cafe "Highly educated medical nurses".

##semicolon## women, politics, political activism,


Studying the importance of the reforms implemented in Uzbekistan today to increase the socio-political activity of women and the measures taken to support women, taking into account our history and our current situation in the implementation of tasks , analysis and development of necessary proposals and recommendations is of urgent importance.One of the common features of political processes is that the main source of the political process in any country is the conscious activity of the public. If people take an active part in the political life of the society, the political processes will accelerate, and in such conditions, the active action of any political institutions will give its effective result. As political activity marks the conscious political activity of people and the progress of political processes, it requires the active participation of every member of the society in the political work carried out in the state.


2022-2026 йилларга мўлжалланган Янги Ўзбекистоннинг тараққиёт стратегияси тўғрисида Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президентининг 2022 йил 28 январдаги ПФ–60- сон Фармони.

Хотин-қизларни камситишининг барча шаклларига барҳам бериш тўғрисида Конвенция.

Оналикни муҳофаза қилиш тўғрисида Конвенция.

Мухитдинова Ф. Хотин-қизлар сиёсий фаоллигини оширишда сиёсий фанларнинг ўрни // Ўзбекистонда политологиянинг янги босқичи. Республика илмий амалий конференция материаллари тўплами. – Т.: 2022.