
Department of Genetics and evolutionary biology, Chirchik State Pedagogical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

##semicolon## cotton##common.commaListSeparator## species##common.commaListSeparator## sympodial##common.commaListSeparator## monopodial##common.commaListSeparator## photoperiod


The results of research on studying of the morphobiologic and economically valuable traits of amphidiploids F1 (cultivar «Kelajak» (G.hirsutum subsp. euhirsutum) х (G.arboreum subsp. perenne x G.arboreum subsp. obtusifolium var. indicum)) and F1 (cultivar «Kelajak» (G.hirsutum subsp. euhirsutum) х (G.arboreum subsp. obtusifolium var. indicum x G.herbaceum subsp. pseudoarboreum)) obtained by use of vicarious cotton species.


1. Semenikhina Ya.V., Gurevich L.I., Egamberdiev A.E. The manifestation of contrasting signs in cotton hybrids and amphidiploids K1, K2 G.hirsutum L. x G.trilobum Skoveted.// Genetics.- 1979.- T. XV.- P. 2013-2016.

2. Babamuratov H. Backcross method for distant and interspecific hybridization of cotton.// Tashkent, 1980.- № 8.- 32 p.

3. Lemeshev N., Atlanov A., Podolnaya L., Korneychuk V. Broad unified classifier of the genus Gossypium L.// L.: VIR, 1989.- P. 5-20.

4. Mauer F.M. Origin and systematics of cotton.// Vol. 1.- Tashkent: Publisher of Academy of Sciences UzSSR, 1954.- 384 p.

5. Muminov K., Amanov B., Buronov A., Tursunova N., Umirova L. Analysis of yield and fiber quality traits in intra-specific and interspecific hybrids of cotton. SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics, 2023. 55 (2) P. 453-462.

6. Muminov Kh. Use of cotton species based on the determination of phylogenetic relationships. Modern Biology and Genetics (International scientific journal), № 3-9. Publisher: «Lesson press» Ltd. 2024.- P. 35-43.

7. Normurodov Sh.Sh., Muminov Kh. Spectrophotometric analysis of photosynthetic pigments in Afro-Asian cotton species. Modern Biology and Genetics (International scientific journal), № 3-9. Publisher: «Lesson press» Ltd. 2024.- P. 80-86.

8. Rizaeva S.M. Distant hybridization of cotton and obtaining new donors (using the example of the New World species): Diss. ... doc biol. Science.- Tashkent: R&D “Biolog”, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1996.- 289 p.

9. Rizaeva S.M., Sirojidinov B.A., Abdullaev A.A., Arslanov D.M. Distant hybridization of cotton and obtaining new donors.// Tashkent: Publisher of Navruz, 2018.- 268 p.

10. Sirojidinov B.A. Philogenetic interrelations of the Australian and Indochinense cotton species.// Dissertation abstract for the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of Biological Sciences.- Tashkent: Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental Biology of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2017.- 39 p.

11. Omonov O., Amanov B., Muminov K., Buronov A., Tursunova N. Physiological and biochemical composition of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics, 2023. 55 (6) P. 2159-2167.