Ibrohimxon Jalolov
Ahror Tog‘ayev
TSTU AB h.teach
Kamoljon Eshonqulov
TSTU AB h.teach
##semicolon## Vibration##common.commaListSeparator## electric motor##common.commaListSeparator## range##common.commaListSeparator## sensor
Today, improving the methods of diagnosing the technical condition of electric motors is an urgent task for the development of a system for their development prospects, as well as for solving problems that occur during the operation of high-power motors that drive the working mechanisms of electrical technological devices in industrial and mining enterprises of our Republic. Also, the methods of diagnosing electric motors based on their transient processes and related to their mechanical parts during their operating cycle were analyzed, and several proposals were made to develop existing methods. As a result, it was substantiated that it is necessary to regularly monitor the working processes of electric motors and diagnose their technical condition using new modern devices in a wide range. Because during the operation of electric motors, parts wear out over time due to the negative effects of operating time and the environment, and their parameters change due to natural wear of electric motor parts, which is why a number of malfunctions related to their electrical and mechanical indicators arise in the working processes of electric motors.
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6. Narzullayev B.Sh. Diagnostics of the technical condition of asynchronous motors based on monitoring of energy-mechanical indicators // Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences. – Tashkent, 2022. pp. 52-61.
7. Qarshibaev A.I., Narzullaev B. Sh., Diagnostics of the Technical Condition of Energy Devices based on the Monitoring of Phase Voltages and Currents // Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. – Volume 13. Special Issue 8. – India, 2022, pp. 2455-2460. 24
8. Development of man-made gas waste processingtechno. Karimov B.A Jalolov I.S.
9. Error determination of range-verified ferromagnetic current transformers Y. Shoyimov, I. Jalolov, J. Abdullaev
10. Prokatlash jarayonidagi termal qattiqlashtirishning avtomatik boshqaruv nazorati I. Jalolov
11. Enhancing the reliability of range-verified ferromagnetic current transformers Y. Shoyimov, I. Jalolov, A.Togaev.
12. Sanoat korxonalaridagi texnogen gaz chiqindilarni tozalash qurulmasini takomillashtirish orqali elektr energiya samaradorligini oshirish. Almuxon Kalpakbaevich Nuraliev, Raxmatillo Choriyevich Karimov, Ibrohimxon Saydijamol o‘g‘li Jalolov.
13. Tog‘ayev Ahror Sa’dullo o‘g‘li, Pardayev Akmal Bekmurodovich, Eshonqulov Kamoljon Eshniyoz o‘g‘li. LENTALI KONVEYERLARNI SAMARALI ISHLATISH OMILLARI.