Makhliyo Khudаyberdiyeva
Doctoral student of Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute
##semicolon## Cam mechanisms##common.commaListSeparator## fastened elastic element, pusher, connecting rod##common.commaListSeparator## rocker arm, angular movements, speed##common.commaListSeparator## screws, maximum deformation, elongation##common.commaListSeparator## rigidity, loom, transformation
The article provides a diagram and principles of operation of the crank mechanism with composite cams. The results of the kinematic analysis of the mechanism with compound cams are presented, taking into account the maximum deformations of the elastic elements of the composite cams of the cam mechanism of the weaving loom. Analytical expressions describing the laws of motion of the connecting rod and rocker arm of a replacement linkage-joint mechanism with their four-link length changing are given. The kinematic characteristics of the crank mechanism with composite cams have been analyzed, and the main parameters of the system have been substantiated.
Патент FAP 01246, Бюл. №10, 2017
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