Iskandarova Dilnozakhan Ergashevna

Tashkent Medical Academy Termiz Branch, Termiz, Uzbekistan

Khushmurodova Mehrigiya Allayorovna

Tashkent Medical Academy Termiz Branch, Termiz, Uzbekistan

Iskandarova Nilufar Ergshaevna

Termiz State University, Termiz, Uzbekistan

Iskanderova Irodakhon Ergashevna

Tashkent Medical Academy Termiz Branch, Termiz, Uzbekistan

##semicolon## academic mobility, advantages and disadvantages of academic mobility, Asia-Pacific regionexperience, UMAP.


This article analyzes academic mobility, one of the systems that has a positive effect on the professional and scientific development of students in the higher education system. The main focus is on studying the achievements of countries with high experience in this system and analyzing the necessary data.


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