Uralov N.B
Faculty of Chemistry. Termiz State University. Termez city, Uzbekistan
Turayev Kh.Kh
Faculty of Chemistry. Termiz State University. Termez city, Uzbekistan
Normurodov B.A
Faculty of Chemistry. Termiz State University. Termez city, Uzbekistan
Karimov M.U
Tashkent Scientific Research Institute of Chemical Technology. Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Kasimov Sh.A.
Faculty of Chemistry. Termiz State University. Termez city, Uzbekistan
Kurbanov F.B
Faculty of Chemistry. Termiz State University. Termez city, Uzbekistan
Kadirova M
Termiz Institute of Engineering and Technology. Termez city, Uzbekistan
##semicolon## Ground saline waters, iodine, potassium iodide, radioactive isotope of iodine, hexamethylenetetramine, X-ray fluorescence.
Groundwater and ocean salt water contain high concentrations of various salts, and iodine ions present in it are mainly in the form of potassium iodide. They are first oxidized under the influence of special oxidizers. The released iodine was precipitated on the basis of hexamethylenetetramine, and its composition was observed using the X-ray fluorescence method. According to the analysis of the results of this analysis, it was suggested that a complex compound with iodide was formed through the amino group in the compound.
I.A. Umbarov, Kh.Kh. Turaev. Study of the kinetics of oxidation of iodide ions in hydrothermal waters by various oxidizing agents. Uzbek Chemical Journal, No. 6, (2015), pp. 12 - 16 (in Russian).
Умбаров И.А., Тураев Х.Х. Определение элементного состава подземных соленых вод// Science Time. –Казань. - 2018. - № 2 С.- 76-80.
Кулматов Р.А., Умбаров И., Тураев Н.Й., Эшанходжаев С. Содержание и форма нахождения йода в подземных соленых водах Сурхандарьинской области // Узб. хим. жур. -2000. -№ 1. -С. 70-72.
Умбаров ибрагим амонович, Усовершенствование технологии выделения йода из йодных соединений, содержащихся в подземных соленых водах. Диссертация на соискание ученой степени доктора технических наук (Doctor of Science)
Infinite Polyiodide Chains in the Pyrroloperylene–Iodine Complex: Insights into the Starch–Iodine and Perylene–Iodine Complexes Sheri Madhu, Hayden A. Evans, Vicky V. T. Doan-Nguyen, John G. Labram, Guang Wu, Michael L. Chabinyc, Ram Seshadri,* and Fred Wudl* anie_2016
Farebrother, J., Zimmermann, M. B., & Andersson, M. Excess iodine intake: sources, assessment, and effects on thyroid function. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. (2019). doi:10.1111/nyas.14041
Wang, Z. Innovation of hypervalent(iii) iodine in the synthesis of natural products. New Journal of Chemistry, (2021). 45 (2), 509–516. doi:10.1039/d0nj05078d
Uralov N.B., Turayev Kh.Kh., Djalilov A. T., Normurodov B.A. and Karimov M.U. separation and physicochemical analysis of iodine contained in haudak ground salt waters on the basis of starch. Multidisciplinary Journal of Science and Technology, 3 (2023). (1), 49–54.