Department of General Mathematics, Tashkent state pedagogical University named after Nizami, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Department of General Mathematics, Tashkent state pedagogical University named after Nizami, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Keywords: Hyperfinite factor, W*-algebra, irreducible hyperfinite real subfactors, complex Hilbert space, commutant, coupling constant, involutive *-antiautomorphism, principal graphs.
It is shown any hyperfinite factor has an involutive *-antiautomorphism. It is proved that a real subfactor is irreducible if and only if its enveloping factor is irreducible. Using constructed examples in the complex case, as well as using an involutive *-antiautomorphism of a W*-algebra, examples of irreducible hyperfinite real subfactors with index larger than 4 are constructed.
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