Fakhridin Bakhramov

t.f.n., Associate Professor Uzbekistan, Termiz

Keywords: temporary sprinklers, height of the dam, channel digger, width along the bottom, depth of excavation, water flow


Well-known studies on the justification of the parameters of the channel digger were mainly aimed at reducing energy consumption and improving the quality of the formation of temporary irrigation dams. The analysis of well-known works implies the need for theoretical research: substantiation of the basic geometric dimensions of the temporary sprinkler; dependence of the quality of the technological process of cutting the temporary sprinkler on the main parameters of the channel digger. Theoretical prerequisites for determining the rational parameters of the channel digger the shape and geometric dimensions of temporary sprinklers (the width of the bottom of the excavation, the height of the dam, the width of the base of the dam) are substantiated, analytical dependencies for determining the parameters of the channel digger are proposed. Analytical dependences are derived to determine the width of the bottom of the excavation, the width of the base and height of the dam, the width of the occupied strip of the temporary sprinkler, the angle of the ploughshare to the bottom of the furrow, the height of the body, the length of the ploughshare, and other parameters of the working body of the channel digger.


1. Bakhramov F. Kh. (2022) Determination of rational values of angle places installation to the bottom of the furround and the radius of the guiding curve of the duct operating body. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering. ISSN: 0974-5823 Vol.7.

2.Bakhramov F.Kh., Kurbanov A.T. and other. (2020) Theoretical prerequisites for determining the rational parameters of temporary irrigators. Journal of Critical Reviews. ISSN 2394-5125. Vol 7, Issue 13.

3.Bakhramov F.Kh., Karshiev F.U., Sheraliev M. (2020) Theoretical Substantiation of the Basic Parameters of a Channel Digger. ISSN:2350-0328. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. Vol. 7, Issue 6, June 2020.

4. Manabaev N., Bakhramov F. Selection of the transverse profile of a temporary sprinkler. - book: Mechanization of labor-intensive production processes in the cotton growing zone. Materials of scientific- practical conference. UzNIIME, UzASHN. Tashkent, 1992. 15-16.

5. Bakhramov F. Kh. Justification of the parameters of the working body of a canal digger for cutting temporary sprinklers. Abstract diss. Candidate of Technical Sciences. Yangiyul. 1995. 115.

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