
Institute of Bukhara Natural Resources Management «TIIAME» NTU Department of agricultural and animal husbandry techniques and technologies t.d. associate professor, d.p.t.s.


Head of the Department of Techniques and Technologies of Hydromelioration Works, NTU «TIIAME», Bukhara Institute of Natural Resources Management, associate professor


Institute of Bukhara Natural Resources Management «TIIAME» NTU foundation doctoral student


Institute of Bukhara Natural Resources Management «TIIAME» NTU master’s


Institute of Bukhara Natural Resources Management «TIIAME» NTU student

Keywords: drip irrigation, water resources, food, portable irrigation system, tractor, water tank, water tank lid, modern technologies.


In this article, 80% of the consumed water resources are formed in the territory of neighboring countries, the effective use of Uzbekistan's water resources, especially the wide introduction of water-saving systems of crop irrigation and the use of modern technologies in the management of water resources in order to alleviate the growing water shortage in recent years. In addition, the article also provides information about the new portable irrigation system.


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Imomov Sh., Jurayev A., Ruziqulov J., Kurbonboyev S., Ruziqulova D., Xusinov S., Madadkhonov T. (2022). THEORETICAL STUDIES ON THE DESIGN OF TRENCHER WORK EQUIPMENT. Eurasian Journal of Academic Research, 2(12), 989–996. https://www.in-academy.uz/index.php/ejar/article/view/6504

Sh.J.Imomov, J.U.Ruzikulov, S.S.Kurbanbayev, H.S.Safarov, K.S.Sobirov, and Z.Sh.Isakov “Technological process of provisional dig a ditch”, Proc. SPIE 12296, International Conference on Remote Sensing of the Earth: Geoinformatics, Cartography, Ecology, and Agriculture (RSE 2022), 122960O (6 July 2022); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2642980

Sh. J. Imomov, J. U. Ruzikulov, S. S. Kurbanbayev, H. S. Safarov, K. S. Sobirov, and Z. Sh. Isakov «Technological process of provisional dig a ditch», Proc. SPIE 12296, International Conference on Remote Sensing of the Earth: Geoinformatics, Cartography, Ecology, and Agriculture (RSE 2022), 122960O (6 July 2022); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2642980

Energy-saving device for temporary ditch digging I S Hasanov1, J U Ruzikulov1, F A Ergashov1, M J Toshmurodova1 and M R Sotlikova1 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 868, International Conference on Agricultural Engineering and Green Infrastructure Solutions (AEGIS 2021) 12th-14th May 2021, Tashkent, UzbekistanCitation I S Hasanov et al 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 868 012091DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/868/1/012091

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P.G.Hikmatov, J.U.Ruzikulov, O.S.Sayidov, Ruziqulova Dilnoza Uktamovna , IMPROVED MACHINE FOR SPREADING AND COMPACTING ROAD CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS., International Bulletin of Applied Science and Technology: Vol. 3 No. 6 (2023): International Bulletin of Applied Science and Technology https://researchcitations.com/index.php/ibast/article/-view/2020

P.G.Hikmatov, J.U.Ruzikulov , O.S.Sayidov, Ruzikulova Dilnoza Uktamovna , SELECTION OF AN AUGER DEVICE FOR A MACHINE FOR SPREADING AND COMPACTING IMPROVED ROAD CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS , International Bulletin of Applied Science and Technology: Vol. 3 No. 6 (2023): International Bulletin of Applied Science and Technology https://researchcitations.com/index.php/ibast/article/view/2009