Combating corruption serves as the critical cornerstone for driving meaningful societal advancement
Abdulkhay Abdunazarov
School counselor of the Presidential school in Nurafshon in Uzbekistan
Feruza To‘laganova
Deputy director for Spirituality of the Presidential school in Nurafshon in Uzbekistan
Shahlo Xatamova
Human resource manager of the Presidential school in Nurafshon in Uzbekistan
Keywords: Corruption, civil society, UN Convention, tolerance
The fight against corruption remains one of the most pressing issues of today in the world. The fight against this evil covers many countries of the world. The Republic of Uzbekistan is also contributing to the fight against corruption. Currently, a number of programs have been adopted in our republic within the framework of the fight against corruption, and extensive work is being carried out on them. Within the framework of the fight against corruption, the Ministry of Justice has also developed a number of action plans, in which departments and institutions of the justice system are actively participating.
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