Developmental Focus: A Strategic Educational Framework for Guiding Students Through Critical Transitional Phases, Providing Mediation and Support to Overcome Developmental Challenges
Abdulkhay Abdunazarov
(School counselor of the Presidential school in Nurafshon in Uzbekistan
Kamola Yuldasheva
Methodist of the Presidential school in Nurafshon
Kamola Maxkamova
Psycologist of the Presidential school in Nurafshon
Keywords: educational event, cultural form, transition, explanatory reading
The article discusses the operationalization of a number of ideas on the structure and dynamics of an event. The event itself is presented as a conjugation of transitions from the current state to another, different from what is and functions stereotypically, and, at the same time, from reality as an obvious given to an idea in which the meaning and cultural significance of reality are revealed. This dual transition presupposes overcoming the functional fixity of previous experience, habitual modes of action. A trial action is assumed as a method of overcoming. For an educational event as an act of cultural transmission, this is a trial of a new cultural form, an attempt to reproduce it in one’s own action.
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