Shahzoda Sharipova

Tashkent Medical Academy 1st year student, group 107, Faculty of Therapeutic Work No. 1. 99 598-07-00.

Keywords: Migraine, headache,, diagnosis, innovative treatment,, neurology, biofeedback,, acupuncture,, drug therapy,, disease management,, remission.


Migraine is a neurological disease of the nervous system, manifested by headache and many other symptoms. This article reviews modern diagnostic approaches and innovative treatment methods for migraine. The article reviews the pathology, diagnosis, and various treatment methods of migraine, including drug therapy, biofeedback, acupuncture, and other advanced technologies. In addition, new methods for treating patients with migraine in remission are also presented. Innovative approaches to the treatment of migraine in modern neurology and medicine expand the possibilities of improving the quality of life of patients while managing the disease.


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