Suvanova Chekhroza

State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan A student of the 3rd stage of the field of study “Production in the field of art”

Keywords: Art education, quality, pedagogical methods, educational programs, assessment system, creativity, aesthetic development, innovative methods, exchange of experience, qualified teachers.


The quality phase of art education aims to improve quality and ensure effective teaching in the art education process. At this stage, pedagogical methods, curricula, materials and student evaluation systems are analyzed. By improving the quality of art education, it is aimed to develop students' creativity, aesthetic sense and interest in art. In this process, it is important to share experience, introduce innovative methods and train qualified teachers.


1. https://oac.dsmi-qf.uz/index.php/oac/article/view/1891

2. https://uz.wikipedia.org/wiki/O%CA%BBzbekiston_davlat_san%CA%BCat_va_madaniyat_instituti

3. Raufovich, Fayziev Turabek, and Umaralieva Gulchehra Bahodirjonovna. "Moral as a form of spiritual culture." International Journal on Integrated Education 2.6 (2019): 21-22.

4. Umaralieva, Gulchehra. "SOCIO-PHILOSOPHICAL ASPECTS OF THE CONCEPT OF BIOAESTHETICS." Multidisciplinary Journal of Science and Technology 4.6 (2024): 540-545.

5. qizi Abdullayeva, Muqaddas Baxtiyor, and Gulchehra Umaraliyeva. "SHARQ MUTAFAKKIRLARINING KASB-HUNAR, BAXT VA MARTABAGA OID QARASHLARI." Zamonaviy fan va ta'lim yangiliklari xalqaro ilmiy jurnal 2.1 (2024): 195-199.

6. Umaraliyeva, Gulchehra. "KAYKOVUSNING “QOBUSNOMA” ASARIDA FARZAND TARBIYASIGA OID QARASHLARI." Zamonaviy fan va ta'lim yangiliklari xalqaro ilmiy jurnal 2.1 (2024): 200-205.

7. Umaraliyeva, Gulchehra Bahodirjonovna. "BIOESTETIKANI BILISH EVOLUTSIYASI." Scientific progress 2.2 (2021): 1258-1261.

8. Исоков, Зиёдулло. "САНЪАТ ВА МАДАНИЯТ–МИЛЛИЙ ТАРАҚҚИЁТИМИЗ КЎЗГУСИ." Scientific progress 2.2 (2021): 1273-1278.