Jakhongir Matkarimov

Under the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tourism Committee Head of Department for Development of Education in the Tourism Sector

Abdug'aniyev Takhirjon

Tashkent State University of Economics, Faculty of International Tourism student

##semicolon## tourism , economy, innovation, tourist, industry, technology, innovative technologies.


In this article, opinions and comments about the innovations and their effectiveness , which are newly used in tourism from year to year, and some suggestions are made.  Several works on the use of innovative technologies in tourism and their implementation in real life and their impact were studied


Uzbekistan on January 5, 2019 Decree No. 5611

Mirzayev MA, Aliyeva MT Basics of tourism. Textbook. - T.: TDIU publishing house, 2011.

Amonboyev M., Abidova DI, Jurayeva NA Tourism economy and management. Textbook. - T.: TDIU publishing house, 2011.

Alexandrova A.Yu. Mejdunarodn y y tourism. Textbook. - M: Aspect Press, 2004.- 470 pages. Alexandrova A.Yu. Mejdunarodn y y tourism (school book). M.: Aspect Press, 2002. -470 p.

( Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 3, 2018 No. PF-5326 "On additional organizational measures to create favorable conditions for the development of the tourism potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan")

Tukhliyev IS, Gudratov G'.H., Pardayev MQ Tourism planning. Textbook. - T.: "Economy-finance" publishing house. 2010.-263b.

Durovich AP, Bondarenko GA, Sergeeva TM and dr. Organization tourism. Uchebnoe posobie. 2nd izd. work - Mn.: Novoe znanie, 2005.-640 str.

Charles A. Goeldner, JR Brent Ritchie. Tourism PRINCIPLES, PRACTICES, PHILOSOPHIES, New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons, 2012. – 514p.

Activities of tourism in Uzbekistan: Oybek Akhmadjonov Botirbek Abdugaforov

. "Economics and Innovative Technologies" scientific electronic journal


PF-5611- number 05.01.2019. About additional measures for rapid development of tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan

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. Yoldashev , A. (2023). IMPLEMENTATION OF ELECTRONIC LEARNING IN SOCIETY. Journal of the Young Researcher, 2(2), 105-107.

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