Kholboeva Nasiba Asrorovna

Samarkand State Medical University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, Assistant

Jumaev Shokhrukh Baxrom Ugli

5th year student of Samarkand State Medical University

Keywords: root canal therapy, chemical expansion, sodium hypochlorite, EDTA, passive ultrasonic irrigation, sonic irrigation, laser-activated irrigation


Chemical expansion techniques are integral to the success of root canal therapy, enhancing cleaning, shaping, and disinfection. This article explores prominent methods including sodium hypochlorite irrigation, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) chelation, passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI), sonic irrigation, and laser-activated irrigation (LAI). Sodium hypochlorite's antimicrobial properties dissolve organic matter, while EDTA chelates calcium ions, removing the smear layer. PUI utilizes ultrasonic energy for enhanced debris removal, while sonic and LAI employ sonic and laser energy, respectively, to improve irrigant dispersion. Understanding these methods enhances treatment efficacy and patient outcomes.


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