Zarova Yulduz Komil qizi

Buxg‘alteriya hisobi mutaxassisligi magistranti

K.R. Hotamov

Buxgalteriya hisobi va audit kafedrasi mudiri, i.f.f.d.( PhD) Soliq qo‘mitasi huzuridagi Fiskal instituti

Keywords: Organization of state finances. Stability of budget revenues. Creation of the state budget. Review, acceptance and execution, control of its execution, preparation and approval of the report on its execution.


Establishing a modern state budget in our country, creating, reviewing, accepting and executing the budget project in ensuring the functioning of the budget system, monitoring its execution, preparing and approving the report on its execution, as well as between the budgets included in the structure of the state budget effective organization of the activities of the state authorities and local self-government bodies and the participants of the budget process, which are related to the regulation of mutual relations in accordance with the laws, ensured the relations of the budget process. However, although significant results have been achieved in the organization of the budget process, there are also some problems in the organization of the budget process. Finding a solution to existing problems, further improving the activities of the bodies involved in the organization of the budget process, including studying the role of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the implementation of the budget process, ensuring the effectiveness of the Ministry of Finance is an urgent topic today. Therefore, increasing the position and importance of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the organization of the budget process reflects the urgency of the topic.


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