Avezov Muhiddin Ikramovich

Urgench branch of Tashkent Medical Academy

Tadjitdinova Go‘zal G‘ayratovna

Samarkand State Medical University

Khamraev Farid Hamidullayevich

Urgench branch of Tashkent Medical Academy


The frequency of polyposis etmoiditis (PE) has a clear tendency to increase, the specific gravity in the structure of the incidence of ENT organs is 5-20%. The search for new approaches to earlier diagnosis and well-timed medical treatment of polyposis etmoiditis is relevant not only due to frequent recurrence of the disease, but also to the high pevalence of this disease. The frequency of PE has a clear tendency to increase, the specific gravity in the structure of the incidence of ENT organs is 5-20% [1].


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