Representation of the image of a woman in works of art. A. Qahhor and A. On the example of Chekhov's works
Iminova Humora Muhammadisa Qizi
Master student of the Department of Literature (Russian Literature) of the Fergana State University
##semicolon## Feminism, Russian literature, Female status, female character, heroine, courage, plot, female character
"Literature, which is an anthropology, is primarily a womanology, that is, a womanlearning is the science of discovering it. If we observe, the oldest works are also for women dedicated, their conflict is made up of women and things related to her. Even it can be said that the development of literature is an artistic study of the female theme, its closely related to deepening" is the literature of all times is typical for. This article provides information about the image of a woman in the works of A. Kahor and A.P. Chekhov.
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