Khoshimova Dilorom Anvarovna

Head of the department of interfaculty pedagogy and psychology of KSPI

Rakhmonova Nargiza

student of defectology KSPI

Keywords: Social Environment, Behaviour, Social Interaction, Relationship


The social environment refers to individual's social interactions and relationships with others in their communities. These interactions can significantly impact people's attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, and values. The social environment can include various factors such as friends, family, culture, education, religion, media, and community. Family is often considered the primary source of socialization and plays a crucial role in shaping people's behavior. The family is where people learn social norms and values, typically passed down from generation to generation. Family members serve as role models for each other, and they influence each other's behavior through direct and indirect means. This review paper highlights how the social environment influences people's behavior.


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