Shukurov Ibodullo Murodullaevich

MBA Listeners, Almaty Management University.

Achilova Liliya Ilxomovna

MBA Listeners, Almaty Management University.

Aleksandr R. Kim

MBA Listeners, Almaty Management University.

Men Viktoriya

MBA Listeners, Almaty Management University.

Anvarkhujaev Rustam

MBA Listeners, Almaty Management University.

Keywords: strategic management, strategic goals, strategic tasks, operational plans, medical institutions.


The concept of strategic management has been substantiated. The key tasks of strategic management of the state medical institution have been defined. The urgency of implementation of strategic management in public medical institutions has been proved. The structure of the strategic management process in the state clinical hospital has been substantiated. The main stages of implementing strategic management in a public hospital are described: the development of operational plans for the implementation of strategic goals is determined. The objectives and practical activities of the strategic committee as a management body for the development of medical institutions are substantiated.


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