Djuraeva Namuna Vakhobjan qizi
Head of the Department of Interfaculty Pedagogy and Psychology of KSPI
Abduganieva Niginabonu
student of KSPI
Mukhammadjonova Nurijakhan
student of KSPI
Keywords: pedagogy, education, method, teacher, student, skill, ability, tool, education.
The search for new ways and forms of organizing education has created a new term in the methodology of learning “modern lesson” as opposed to traditional lesson. The requirements of the subject of pedagogy for the lesson, the effectiveness of the pedagogical process is constantly growing and changing. In addition to non-traditional lessons, non-traditional teaching technologies are used in school practice in conjunction with modern teaching methods. The article discusses the use of modern teaching methods in teaching students in the primary grades.
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Haydarova, M. (2022). БОШЛАНҒИЧ ТАЪЛИМ ЖАРАЁНИГА ИНДИВИДУАЛ ЁНДАШУВНИ ТАДБИҚ ЭТИШНИНГ ЎЗИГА ХОС ХУСУСИЯТЛАРИ. Физико-технологического образование, 1(1). извлечено от