Using an integrative approach in developing students' competence in fractal graphics

B.I. Esanbayev

basic doctoral student, of the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute


Today, due to the improvement of computer graphic programs, there is a need to develop new approaches to developing students' competence in fractal graphics [1, 2]. It is considered appropriate to use the integration of mathematics, geometry, physics, color image, drawing and mathematical modeling, programming disciplines in the development of students' competence in fractal graphics. Because the emergence of computer graphics as a science, these sciences serve as a basis. That is, the formation of informatics as an independent science appeared on the basis of the intersection of mathematics and cybernetics, and computer graphics developed as a component of informatics, that is, due to the emergence of modern computers and the development of appropriate software for them. The creation and development of computer technologies is based on mathematical rules. Therefore, one cannot become a competent expert in the field of informatics and information technologies without good knowledge of mathematics. Therefore, it is possible to come to the following conclusion, that is, one cannot be a competent expert in computer graphics without knowing mathematics. Here the question arises: what do you need to know from a mathematics course in order to successfully develop the fundamentals of computer graphics and become a modern expert in this field?


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