"The Lexico-Semantic Field of Negative Emotions in English: A Cognitive Perspective"
Turgunov Shukhratjon
Teacher, Uzbekistan state world languages university.
##semicolon## negative emotions, emotion terms, conceptual metaphors, cultural scripts, cognitive linguistics, emotional expression, language and cognition, anger, sadness, fear, disgust, cultural models
This article analyzes the lexico-semantic field of negative emotions in English from a cognitive linguistic perspective. It examines key concepts including common emotion terms such as sadness, anger, fear, and disgust. Metaphors used to conceptualize emotions and cultural scripts associated with emotional expression are also investigated. The analysis reveals how emotions are categorized and understood through language. Findings demonstrate the influence of cognitive and cultural factors on emotion semantics. Norms of emotional expression are shown to reflect sociocultural models. This study enhances understanding of the relationship between language, thought, and affect.
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