Abdurasulova Tajixol Ramazanovna
Termez branch of Tashkent medical academy
Davronova Charos Luqmonovna
Termez branch of Tashkent medical academy
O'razaliyev Sunnat Yusufjon o'g'li.
Termez branch of Tashkent medical academy
Keywords: allergy, helminths, immunosuppression, гrticaria, parasitic allergy treatment, parasitosises.
Parasitic diseases often found among people of all countries and occupied according to World Health Organization the third – the fourth place. The immune response includes sensitization of parasite’s antigens and immunosuppression. Additionally parasitic antigens participate in formation of pseudo-allergic and toxic reactions. Features of allergy in parasitic infections are torpid course, a tendency to recurrent course, resistance to anti-allergic therapy, especially to glucocorticoids. Proper diagnosis and efficient therapy of parasitic infections often leads to the elimination of allergic symptoms.