Published November 28, 2023
| Version v1
Conference paper
- 1. teacher of the Department of Interfaculty Pedagogical Psychology of QSPI,
- 2. Students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages
- 3. This article discusses the methodology of foreign language teaching, the history of its development as a science, the types of modern methods used in foreign language teaching methods and their use.
This article discusses the methodology of foreign language teaching, the history of its development as a science, the types of modern methods used in foreign language teaching methods and their use.
153-156 Djurayeva Namuna Vohobjon qizi.pdf
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- 6. Juraboyev, B. B. U. (2021). Problems and solutions for online teaching and learning of foreign languages. Academic research in educational sciences, 2(Special Issue 2).
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- 8. Samarova, S. R. (2019). Methods and technologies for the development of creative thinking of pupils. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 7(10), 37-43.
- 9. Samarova, S. R., & Mirzayeva, M. M. (2020). The problem of the formation of creative abilities of students in foreign psychology. An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(5), 1937-1943.
- 10. Рахманова, М. К. (2019). Ёшларнинг маънавий тарбиясида кддимги Урта Осиё маънавий-маданий меросининг ах,амияти. "Глобаллашув шароитида ватанпарварлик тарбиясининг маънавий-маърифий технологиялари" республика илмий-амалий конференцияси, 206-209.