Published November 28, 2023 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

"Bahr ul-asrar" by Mahmud ibn Wali is a work that provides information about the famous metal mines and metallurgy in the 17th century

  • 1. Public safety University of the Republic of Uzbekistan Professor of the Department of Social and Humanities, PhD in history


this article examines the information collected by Mahmud Ibn Vali, the librarian of the Bukhara Khan's library in the 17th century, about his knowledge of metalworking in the encyclopedic work "Bahrul Asror". The information was prepared based on a Persian translation from a manuscript century text. Valuable information is provided about the experience and traditions of the peoples of Central Asia in making strong iron and steel, and about the deposits of metal and other minerals.


145-148 Turayeva Sayyora Rustambayevna.pdf

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  • 1. Mahmud ibn Wali. "Bahr ul asrar fi manoqib ul-aher" (The sea of secrets about the bravery of noble people). Manuscript No. 2372 of UzRFAShI - sheets 273 -330 p.
  • 2. Muhammad ibn Mansur. Jewelry. // Uz.RFA ShI in. 2294/ II – sheets 170-246p.
  • 3. A glossary of Alisher Navoi's works. - T. 1993. B. 37p.
  • 4. Balinos - On the identity of Balinas, Sylvester de Sacy says that it is an Arabic translation of the name of Plinius. However, it is now considered indisputable. We are talking about Apollonia of Tyana (who also lived in the 1st century AD), a famous Pythagorean scholar who traveled a lot in the East. // Al-Beruni, Abu-r-Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad. (Mineralogy) / translated by A.M. Belenitsky. – L. 1963 - S. 401p.
  • 5. Al-Kindi - Abu Isaq Yaqub (801-866) was a great Arab thinker who lived in the Middle Ages and wrote great works in the field of philosophy. He is also called the father of Arabic philosophy. Al-Kindi also wrote works in the field of exact sciences. // Abu Rayhan Beruni. Turquoise. (Fables and stories about jewels) / Prepared and translated by A. Irisov. - T.: Publishing House of People's Heritage named after Abdulla Qadiri. 1993.-B. 7. (Engaged in the science of the word)
  • 6. Rustambayevna, T. S. Analysis of the Found New Dokuments on the "Charter of the Bukhara Gold Mining Company". International Journal on Integrated Education, 4(4), 245-255.
  • 7. Rustambayevna, T. S. (2021). THE HISTORY OF THE GOLD INDUSTRY IN CENTRAL ASIA (XVI-XIX centuries.). Conferencious Online, 83-86.
  • 8. Rustambayevna, T. S. (2021). About the Activity of" Fergana Rare Metal Mining Society". International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 8(3), 254-259.
  • 9. Rustambayevna, T. S. (2020). Some documents related to the history of mining in central asia (XVI-XX centuries). Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR), 9(2), 72-78.